The philosophy

Traveling soothes you, enriches you, makes you humble and responsible… and it makes you a story teller…

Clinical Crossroads Philosophy

About Me

Over the years, from childhood to adulthood, I have been to numerous places across India and abroad, specially with my family members, who are also avid travelers. 

India is so huge and vivid, that sometimes I feel one lifetime is not enough to travel across the country, leave alone the World. But as it is said, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

My Motto

As I travel across places, capturing those beautiful moments with my camera to tell you my stories, Clinical Crossroads takes shape. Hope you’ll like my efforts… and my efforts will encourage the traveler in you to set off on such beautiful trails, so that you have your stories to tell as well, to one and all.

“Where to Next?”

Bengali English